The Yellow Method

Book - Performance - Selfhelp questionnaire

A kaleidoscopic narrative turned self-help-questionnaire and performance exploring the inherent biases of (forced) self-help. How the book progresses and how the narrative unfolds is modulated by every reader and performer depending on what they answer to the questions inside the book.

Self-reflection: Are we really reflecting on the self? Or merely echoing dominating voices internalised by the self?

It was originally performed by Nick Hale and sold / exhibited / hosted as a workshop at Tenderbooks, London


“The workshop was very inspiring, wonderful project, and I left with a different view on what it means to help myself. I enjoyed reading and answering the questions in the book collectively and then embody that in performance/movements together!”.
- workshop participant, The Yellow Method, Tenderbooks.

“It was super great to perform and read during the workshop. I found it allowed us as participants to get to know the story behind the book and feel the emotion as well. It was really fun to read different sections and based on different questions we performed together. As well as the performative act of writing together”.
- workshop participant, The Yellow Method, Tenderbooks.

“I  got new knowledge of  how to experiment with the reader and the conversation that happens between author and reader. The workshop has helped me see how words influence the reader’s experience in space. The unique style of your writing is amazing!”.
- workshop participant, The Yellow Method, Tenderbooks.